Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ENT Appointment

We went to UCLA to ears, nose and throat to talk about starting the process of taking Caiden's trach out.   I knew it was a process, but didn't know how long of a process it is.  The 1st step is to book a date for the O.R again.   In the O.R. they will inflate the holes in the back of his nose with different sizes of stints.  They will put one in, stretch it, take it out and put in a larger one, take that one out, and put a larger one, take that one out.  Then in his throat just above his trach they will insert a balloon and inflate the balloon with the same idea as the stints.  The idea is to prepare his airways so it will be successful when the trach comes out.  The O.R. procedures will require a 1 night hospital stay.  Eventually when the Dr. believes that his airways are ready we will start to cap his trach a little at a time during waking hours.  At the end of the process when his trach is removed it will require a 3 night hospital stay to make sure he is breathing fine on his own.  This is what we've been waiting for.  Please pray that this process is successful! 


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