Friday, April 29, 2011

Charity Never Tasted So Good

Join Caiden's Hope on June 14, 2011 at RedBrick Pizza at 4990 Telephone Road, Ventura, California for another Family Oriented Caiden's Hope Event.
Enjoy RedBrick Pizza's fabulous Fire-Roasted Pizza, Fresh Chopped Salads, Fhazani Sandwiches and Gourmet Gelato

Be sure to print a flyer at and bring it with you to show your support for Caiden's Hope!

Caiden's Hope Facebook Page

If you are a new follower of Caiden's blog, we invite you to also follow Caiden's Hope on Facebook.  "Like" the Caidens Hope FB page and keep up with all the CH Events and latest news.

Thank you for supporting Caiden's Hope!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

O.R. Date

We got a date for Caiden to go back to the O.R. so they can start widening his airways.  May 31st.  We won't know what time surgery is until the day before.  Pray that it is morning because he can't eat 6 hours before surgery.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pulmonary Dr. Appointment

Caiden saw his Pulmonary Dr. for the 1st time today.  The good news is that his 02 levels were great!  93-97%!  That is wonderful!  He lost weight though, almost a lb. This appointment created 3 more appointments. Thankfully locally.  He will have a swallow study at County Medical Center,  looking for "silent aspiration", a Gastric Emptying Study which is a fancy name for seeing how long it takes his food to leave his stomach after he eats.  That can be done at St. John's, and A Wheezeometer test at home.  That is a test to see how he breathes at night while he is sleeping both with and without O2. 


New Caidens Hope Facebook page

Please visit and "like" the new Caiden's Hope Facebook page. 



ENT Appointment

We went to UCLA to ears, nose and throat to talk about starting the process of taking Caiden's trach out.   I knew it was a process, but didn't know how long of a process it is.  The 1st step is to book a date for the O.R again.   In the O.R. they will inflate the holes in the back of his nose with different sizes of stints.  They will put one in, stretch it, take it out and put in a larger one, take that one out, and put a larger one, take that one out.  Then in his throat just above his trach they will insert a balloon and inflate the balloon with the same idea as the stints.  The idea is to prepare his airways so it will be successful when the trach comes out.  The O.R. procedures will require a 1 night hospital stay.  Eventually when the Dr. believes that his airways are ready we will start to cap his trach a little at a time during waking hours.  At the end of the process when his trach is removed it will require a 3 night hospital stay to make sure he is breathing fine on his own.  This is what we've been waiting for.  Please pray that this process is successful! 


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two New Caiden Hope Videos

Caiden's father Chris and Eileen Laber, Vice President of Aqua-Flo Supply recently sat down with Caiden's Hope to film two new video segments for

Chris details how excited he was when Caiden was released from the hospital and Eileen speaks about why Aqua-Flo supports Caidens Hope and why other corporations should do the same.

Both videos can be seen online on the "Media" page of   

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Messy Boy!

Mr. Caiden played in his new highchair for almost an hour this morning.  He played with his carousel, wind up Easter bunny, wind up Easter chick, and some Cheerios!  Later he experimented with some food! 

Later his aunt Julie trimmed his hair today!   : 0


Friday, April 8, 2011


I'm not sure how the Snapper Jack's fundraiser went.  Jennifer, Julie and I went for lunch and saw a few other people that we knew, and then Eddie, Caiden's great-grandma, and nurse Susan & I went back for dinner when most of the people could go, and saw a few other people who we knew.  But our easy going Caiden wasn't "feeling" the fundraiser so we shoved down our food and took him back home.  We did see several fundraiser flyers on the counter when we ordered our food so it looked like we were having a good turn out.  I guess well be surprised when we get the check in a couple of weeks.  You can let us know on Facebook if you went.

We took Caiden for an O2 check yesterday.  He had been running a low grade fever which could be teething, but his O2 was low.  It was 87% and went down to 78% so the doctor gave him another breathing treatment and it went up to 95%.  The Dr. said he just hasn't been able to get his O2 levels back up since his surgery so he is going to refer him to a lung specialist.  He also gave him another RX for his lungs.  Caiden likes his Dr.  His Dr. is always so surprised at how happy, and silly, and active that he is, even right after his surgery.  That's because he is the most loved boy in the world! 

Sitting up, which is hard for Caiden, is better for his O2 levels so we went and bought him a highchair so he can sit in it and the Dr. said he can have dry Cheerios!  They are good for finger dexterity as well as eating.  He will also be able to finger paint with his pureed food, and hopefully decide he might like to eat some from his fingers.

Specific prayers for Caiden:  His O2 levels up, strength in his trunk, and that he will try the food and decide he likes it!


Monday, April 4, 2011

5K walk fundraiser

Sunday, May15th, 9:00 a.m. Weight Watchers will do a 5K walk and we will support Caiden's Hope while earning our 5K charm! Just make a donation to Caiden's Hope. We will begin walking from the Ventura Weight Watchers center on Telephone Rd.  Sign up the morning of the event.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Dr. Appointment

Caiden had a check-up with his pediatrician to check his O2 levels.  They were ok, but not great 92-93 so he is still on O2 while he is sleeping.  He was wheezing when the DR. checked his lungs so he gave him a breathing treatment, and gave him a prescription for a steroid for 5 days.  He's going to be buff!  : )  Caiden gained 8 oz.  He is 18 lbs, 8 oz. and is 2 feet, 4 1/2 " tall!   He has a clogged tear duct that massaging with a warm, wet cloth should help.  He goes back to be checked again in a week.  Specific prayers: for his O2 levels to go up, and his breathing clear, and his tear duct to open up.  His mama has tonsillitis right now!  Bless you all for praying for my sweet grandson!
